We present the origin of our tea love story…
We grew up in a place where tea culture is an important part of daily life. Tea is a culture of health and longevity, and for us, tea has always represented a connection between family and friends. As children, we would wake up every morning to the smell of tea brewing in the kitchen. Over a warm cup of tea, we would share memories, discuss aspirations and receive knowledge with family & friends. Sharing a tea together meant sharing love for one another. When we came to the United States, healthy tea shops were difficult to find and we yearned for the old times where we shared tea with family & friends.
As a tradition that began in our hometown, we wish to share this tea culture with the rest of Chicago. Our mission is to create healthy drinks made of the highest quality ingredients available and share the tradition & healthy lifestyle.
After years of researching the tea market and the health benefits, we discovered that the advantages of drinking tea are endless. Tea not only hydrates you but has antioxidants to fight and prevent disease.
Once we realized how important tea is for one’s health, we immediately knew we had to share our knowledge. We dedicated time to sourcing high quality organic ingredients that are healthy and true to tea culture. Through our unremitting efforts, we have finalized our recipes and founded TE’AMO Boba Bar. We guarantee each Te’Amo drink uses the highest quality of organic ingredients and will help you start on a path to a healthy lifestyle.
Our passion for tea has led us to you! At Te’Amo, we are all about love – love for tea, love for health, love for one another. We love taste testing each recipe so everyone, including us, can enjoy them. We take the time to research the highest quality of organic ingredients available and hope to lay the path and lead the tea community to a healthier lifestyle.
We prepare every drink with tender love and care, and most of all, we love to share our teas with you.
Share a tea, fall in love.